Register Now! DCAF-ICRC at Upcoming Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2024

Register Now! DCAF-ICRC at Upcoming Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2024

At the upcoming Humanitarian Congress Tokyo 2024, the DCAF-ICRC Partnership will contribute to the virtual session “Navigating Business and Human Rights Challenges - Critical Minerals and Humanitarian Concerns” as panellists. This session will provide an overview of humanitarian challenges associated with critical minerals, as well as initiatives taken by various stakeholders to promote responsible business operations and supply chain management in complex environments.

The Humanitarian Congress will take place on 23-25 April 2024 as a hybrid event, with simultaneous Japanese-English translation. The virtual session “Navigating Business and Human Rights Challenges - Critical Minerals and Humanitarian Concerns” will take place on 24 April (Wed) at 11:30 (Geneva time) / 19:30 (Tokyo time). Register here.

The DCAF-ICRC Partnership recognizes that the private sector has significant humanitarian impacts. Through our participation at the Humanitarian Congress, DCAF-ICRC will engage with Japanese businesses to build understanding of the broader humanitarian ecosystem and share effective approaches to working responsibly in fragile and conflict-affected settings. DCAF-ICRC will also promote the Japanese translation of the Security and Human Rights Toolkit and support breaking down silos between communities of practice in the fields of humanitarian work and business and human rights.

Established by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in 2020, the Humanitarian Congress is a platform based in Japan to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders engaged in international cooperation on humanitarian challenges, including practitioners, policy makers, and researchers. The ICRC has been a co-organizer since 2021.

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