Security and Human Rights Toolkit

Recommendation Of The Colombian Mining And Energy Committee – CME

The Colombian Mining and Energy Committee (CME) is a permanent, independent platform focused on dialogue and collaborative cooperation among various stakeholders from the Colombian government, civil society and companies who are interested in the protection, promotion and respect of security- related human rights. (see Working with Host Governments à Engagement and coordination with host governments à Host government and in-country process on business, security and human rights: dealing with limited commitment [1.1.b].)

To support training on human rights and international humanitarian law in the defence sector, the Colombian Mining and Energy Committee issued a set of recommendations to companies, considering the following aspects:

  • Companies might consider providing logistical or budgetary support so that public security providers have the appropriate tools. This training can be accompanied by forums or meetings in which international humanitarian law-related cases are analysed and lessons learned are identified.
  • In order not to jeopardise the coherence of the defence sector, as well as to reduce the risk to the security forces and the companies that support them, policy decisions should be made exclusively by the defence sector, without interference from the companies.
  • Instruction should be provided only by Ministry of National Defence officials or military and police forces personnel, based on the respective policy.  
  • When gaps are identified in the international humanitarian law instruction received by members of the public forces, companies should make proposals to the defence sector so that these gaps can be overcome.
  • Companies should disseminate their commitment to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights among the members of the security forces with whom they have an agreement.
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